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LC Research & Presentation

Gale Databases



Gale Databases - Gale InfoTrac offers a variety of databases. Read the descriptions to find the database that best meets your information needs. General OneFile and Academic OneFile are two you should always include in your search. Login is automatic through this link. No username/password necessary.

Teen Health & Wellness

New for 2012, Teen Health & Wellness is even more robust, more interactive, and simply more "amazing." The database now speaks your language—over 50 of them—with instant article translation. Text-to-speech allows students to listen to article content and read along as the text is highlighted. Social bookmarking allows users to connect friends and family to balanced, sensitive, and caring information. Video and personalized health calculators add a new level of interactivity. Plus, over 50 new articles on subjects ranging from digital etiquette to financial literacy to being a GLBT teen guarantee that, when teens have questions, Teen Health & Wellness has the answer.


School Access: LexisNexis

Home Access: LexisNexis

LexisNexis Scholastic Edition provides you with vital source material—including articles from major U.S. and international newspapers, non-English language publications, statistics, and Federal and state case law, codes and legislation—using the kind of technology they will invariably encounter as they progress to a college or university. Content within the service is broken down into four key areas:

News, Legal Research, Legislation, Statistics